TeKonnect has received an Employer Identification Number (EIN: 93-2245070) from the IRS. In addition, the IRS has approved TeKonnect as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This means that your donations are tax deductable. IRS Tax-Exempt Letter
So, if you, or your organization, would like to make a monetary contribution toward our efforts, that is always welcome.
On the other hand, if you, or your organization, are in the process of upgrading systems and would like to donate your existing equipment, we would welcome that as well. We target hardware of the Intel i3 and i5 class from 8th generation to current (Windows 11 compatible (less than 5 years old please)) or equivalent AMD processor with integrated graphics support. >
To provide you with an idea of the capabilities of systems that we donate to students, here are the specifications of what a typical computer build might look like:
- Laptop or Desktop Computer, depending on availability
- i3 or i5 processor, 8th generation to current
- 8 GB memory
- 256 GB SSD
- Windows 10/11
- Wireless capability
- Monitor (Desktop Computer)
- Keyboard and Mouse (Desktop Computer)
We've found that we can build capable systems within the specifications listed above for as little as $250. To accomplish this, we keep our overhead expenses to a minimum.
Our primary overhead expenses this fiscal year are:
- Website hosting
- Workshop Tools and Equipment needed to build and test computers
- Delivery of computers
- No funds are used toward salaries. All work is done through volunteerism
Please use this Konnect link to move forward with your contribution.